
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ruthless (The House of Rohan, #1)Ruthless by Anne Stuart

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I got my first taste of Anne Stuarts work form a little short story titled "The Wicked House of Rohan." I later found out that that story was the prequel to the series that this book starts. I went to her website to see what other books she had written (had never heard of her before) and was immediately happy that there was more to the story. This book is outstanding. I loved Elinor, Francis, Charles, and Lydia. Most of all I loved Francis, Viscount Rohan. He is definitely alpha and when he wants something he goes after it and gets it. Elinor is the perfect woman for him, because she provides the challenge that his jaded life so sorely needed, plus she is the only one to truly stand up to him besides his friend Charles and his housekeeper Mrs. Clarke.

You will really enjoy watching these two couples fall in love, mainly Francis and Elinor, but you get a taste of Lydia and Charles also.

If you are the faint of heart, you best lay back and get comfortable, because this story is absolutely smoking hot, if you know what I mean.

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TrianglesTriangles by Ellen Hopkins

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first I thought I wasn't going to like this book. I opened to the first page and thought, " I don't want to read of book of poems." That is what it looks like when you open it like it is going to be a book of poetry, even though you made have read or heard what it is about you will be a little confused by the layout. At least I was. Once I started reading it though I couldn't put it didn't. I can't really say what hooked me, because I didn't really sympathize with any of the women in the story. I guess it must have been all of the drama in their lives and the lives of their families, and believe me there was plenty all the way around.

All I can really say is to just give the book a try and see if it is your cup of tea.
I read a lot of reviews that said this book was really sexually graphic, but I guess my idea of graphic sex and theirs are really different, because I didn't see that at all. I believe that I read somewhere that the author usually writes young adult and this is her first foray into this type of book. Well, you really wouldn't know it by reading this, and yes their is sex mentioned, but so graphic that it would make anyone blush.

It's basically just the lives of these women, who all need some self healing and prayer. Looking for someone is else to validate them instead of realizing that they are wonderful just the way the are, with or without the men in their lives.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage

Cloudy With A Chance Of Marriage (Impossible Bachelors, #3)Cloudy With A Chance Of Marriage by Kieran Kramer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another Impossible Bachelor bites the dust. I loved this book. I love Kieran Kramer. All of her books that I have had the pleasure of reading or full of romance and are laugh out loud funny. She always finds the perfect hero for her heroines and vice versa. Of course in this series you get to know the guys first, because they were all in previous books, but she manages to weave the story in such a way that they stay true to themselves and find the women who loves and challenges them. Which I must add is very important for an Impossible Bachelor, because they were not looking to get married in the first place.

I will be reading the next book in this series very shortly, I have already read the first two chapter which are found in the back of this book. I can't wait to see Lumley get what's coming to him. The next book is If you give a Girl a Viscount and it promises to be just as funny and romantic as it's predecessors.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

CreepCreep by Jennifer Hillier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this book. Creep is a debut novel by Jennifer Hillier, but it really doesn't feel like this was her first.

One of the things that I loved is that you got everyone's point of view, without it being confusing. By the end you have gotten to know all of the major characters and their motivations, this is including the villain, which was really refreshing.
I say that it's refreshing because you don't get the info from a third person point of view, you actually get it from the characters point of view, because everyone tells their own story.

It is hard for me to come up with the right words to really describe a book without giving away what's going to happen, but I can see that you will never regret picking this book up. All I could think at the end is I hope Ms. Hillier plans to give us more.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman

I am not one of those people who have a way with words, so I want be able to describe this book to you and do it justice. All I know is I couldn't put it down. Of course there were points that I had to, but whenever there was a spare moment I picked it back up.

I absolutely loved this story. It had all the elements that make up an everyday life, all the ups and downs that go along with it. It wasn't just about the people, but the town and the mountains surrounding it.

It was the first book that I had the pleasure of reading by Alice Hoffman and I thoroughly enjoyed every word.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Two Little Girls In Blue by Mary Higgins Clark

I like a good mystery like most people, but I really didn't think I was going to like this one at first. It wasn't because of the plot, because that was fantastic, it was because of the jumping around with the points of view. I had to really pay close attention to realize at first what was going on and who's point of view I was getting. Besides that though this was a really wonderful mystery.

What I loved was that because of one crime several others came to light from people that you least expected, so that the story become a mystery inside a mystery.

In the end I loved the book and would definitely recommend it for those of you who like a slower paced mystery.