
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Net Galley Arc Review: The Siren

The Siren (The Original Sinners, #1)The Siren by Tiffany Reisz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Background info: I was really getting into this book when I got to a part that sounded a little familiar and kept wondering why that would be when I have never read anything by Tiffany Reisz before this book. Well, I kept trying to figure it out and then I remembered that I read a book titled 7-day Loan but I had forgotten the authors name. Low and behold it was Tiffany Reisz.

On to the review: I love Nora and now knowing that she is the Eleanor that I fell in love with in 7-day Loan just makes me love her even more.
Why you ask did I only give it 4 stars, well that is because it was a little more hardcore than I am used to, but at the same time it was tastefully done. After I read 7-day I was rooting for Nora to be with Daniel, but that wasn't to be. Now in this book I wanted her to give up everything to be Wes one minute and Zach the next, anyone but the infamous Soren. Well you'll have to read to find out if I got my wish this time.

This book is a love story,but not a romance in the traditional sense. Zach and his love, Wes and his love, Nora and her love(s).

At different times I wanted to laugh, cry, or just throw the book across the room in frustration. I stayed up all night because I couldn't put it down and am getting ready to by the next installment.Those are the signs that I am enjoying what I am reading.

This is definitely worth the read.

View all my reviews

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