
Thursday, May 17, 2012

I only have eyes for you

I Only Have Eyes for You (The Sullivan's, #4)I Only Have Eyes for You by Bella Andre
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have always like Bella Andre because she gives the right amount of romance with the right amount of hot, steamy, sex.
I really like liked this story because I could tell right away that the characters loved each other, even though Sophie had no clue how Jake felt about her. The thing is Ms. Andre let the readers know early how he felt and partly why he didn't want to pursue a relationship with her. I was so glad to see Sophie take some initiative and go after what she wanted.

The thing that kept me from giving this story 5 stars was its predictability. I pretty much knew what was going to happen from the first time these two hit the sheets, well even before then. There was really no anticipation of whats to come because I guessed it all before I got to it. That being said it was still an enjoyable read and I am looking forward to going back and reading the Sullivan series from the beginning and finding out what is going to happen with the rest of the clan.

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